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A letter from the PTA president - The Walk-a-thon!

Whether you are a new parent to our LCTA family or a returning family, or whether you landed at Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy by design or happenstance, surely you have or are beginning to have the sense that LCTA is a special place. There are many factors that make our school special AND the number one performing school in the district! There are however a few factors which make our school truly great! They are:

  1. Our leadership; under the guidance of the esteemed Dr. Zissios and Dr. Conlan

  2. Our dedicated faculty and staff

  3. Our Core Knowledge Curriculum

  4. Our Community, “YOU” our families, represented by the PTA.

The PTA serves as the bridge between the school and the community. The active and engaged PTA at LCTA is integral to the success of Lyles-Crouch and supports many areas were district funding falls short. We are 7 weeks out to our biggest fundraiser of the year! We try to limit the “ask” to this one event! Our goal is to raise 45K towards the operating budget of the PTA. Please join us in getting behind this event. LCTA’s “Walk on the Wild Side” Walk-A-Thon is a fun, community harvest festival event where children will run or walk laps around school grounds. This year’s Walk-A-Thon fundraiser is highlighting health and wellness. Walk-A-Thon participants will receive wearable watch pedometers to take home so they can count their steps wherever they go!  We are working with community businesses to join our festival and present some fun activities that the kids (and parents!) can participate in to promote health and wellness and its importance in our lives.  Participants are welcome to dress up in their favorite costumes for the event, so they can “Walk on the Wild Side!”    

  • The money pledged goes directly back to the students supplementing the school where district funding falls short.

  • Your contribution is helping to fund the continuation of the important character building programs in our school which support the education of the “whole” child.

  • Your donation helps support important community building events at our school.

  • A tax deductible donation helps the PTA fund equipment and infrastructural projects to enhance the learning experience of your children at LCTA.

Please join me in supporting the event by pledging for your child on walk-a-thon day October 31st. Here is the link for fundraising which we encourage you to share with families and friends!

We greatly appreciate your support of this event!.

If you would like to participate as one of our health/wellness sponsors of the event, please contact our fundraising chairs Courtney Marshall and Elena Aida. There will be plenty of opportunities to volunteer and participate on the day and watch for the notices on how to sign up.

Thank you!

Jane Davis-Boglione, PTA President

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