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Thank you for your continued support of our walk-a-thon!


Thank you for your continued support of our walk-a-thon! There is a fine balance to be struck between communicating our goal to you and “enough already!  We are almost there and we need you to help us reach the finish line. The Walk-a-thon is Wednesday October 31st and we have $20, 000 to go to reach our goal. We feel we can reach our 45k goal with 100% participation of our families. Please sponsor your child(ren) in the amount you are comfortable giving.

Here is a quote from one of our parents when asked about why they contribute….

“I give because I feel it is both a responsibility and an investment. This is my children’s school and it is the best school in Alexandria,  in part because of the support of the PTA. I understand that district funding does not cover all the resources at our school and that  100% of my donations together with those of our family and friends goes back to the school. I feel it is every parent’s responsibility to give what they can and get involved.  I appreciate all that the PTA does to support our school and it is our way to give back in some way to our beloved school community who do so much for our children.”

Carol Conjura

We are so grateful for the generosity and support of so many of our parents! We could not be #1 without you. Thank you for supporting us.

Jane Davis-Boglione                    Dr. Patricia Zissios

PTA President                              Principal

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