Lyles-Crouch has received a $500 donation from ExxonMobil, through their partnership with the Educational Alliance. ExxonMobil has has a long history of supporting educational programs that focus on improvements in math and science from pre-school to higher education. We want to share our sincerest gratitude for the generous donation to our school to support our math and science programs at LCTA!
Happy 100th day of school! Please help us remember our Crossing Guard Cora Reed today! - Today February 12th is National Crossing Guard Day. Ms. Reed is there for our children hail, rain or shine with her trusty whistle, keeping us safe!
Interested in joining the PTA Executive Board?
Please consider serving the board in the upcoming 20-21 term! We are hoping for representation from a cross-section of our parent community to best serve the interests of our families and teachers. A board role is a wonderful opportunity to become more involved in the school with the ability to contribute on your schedule. Help support incoming president, veteran LCTA parent, Melissa Carstens and serve as part at the new board in a role and capacity that works for you. Concerned about the time commitment, nervous as a new parent, unsure about what is involved or just curious… to incoming president Melissa Carstens, current president Katie Palavecino any other current or past board member. View our Board Responsibilities for descriptions of board positions.
ORDER NOW (paper and online option) for $20 early bird price! Price increases to $30 on FRIDAY February 14th.
LOVELINES extended through March 1st. This is a nice way to honor your 5th grade student during their last year at LCTA!
International Night 2020!
Join the United Nations of Lyles-Crouch! May 5th, 2020 Welcome the 31 countries of LCTA!! - Afghanistan, Argentina, Belarus, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Brazil, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Korea, Mexico, Moldova, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Spain, U.K, USA ! REMEMBER TUES FEBRUARY 24th, 6PM, LIBRARY FOR OUR EVENING PRESENTATION AND INFO NIGHT FOR OUR PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES AND INTERESTED FAMILIES
Want to host a country this year? Calling all new countries and our 2019 participating countries -Albania, Australia, Belgium, China, Colombia, Ethiopia, Eritrean, New Zealand, Scotland, Sweden.
Learn more! about International Night.
Membership Directory
Membership Directory has been updated!
Lost & Found
Lost & Found will be open in the in the foyer through next Tuesday morning. As students go to ENCORE, please have them check for missing items. Check for missing items as you come in for conferences later this week.
Outdoor Learning Center
Share in the dream of a new purpose-built Outdoor Learning Center for LCTA! With our facility bursting at the seams and no room to add on, it's time to make better use of our outdoor space. Never professionally designed or built with the current student enrollment in mind, its layout, surfaces, and equipment are dysfunctional, inadequate, unsafe and seasonally limited. We are looking to extend our learning to the outdoors with a safe, purpose-built, state-of-the-art outdoor learning center and grounds. Join the collaboration of parents, grandparents, staff, faculty, neighbors, and concerned citizens working with ACPS to see LCTA’s outdoor learning environment become a reality. It is time to advocate for our school and our students.
Join our website and Facebook page to support this initiative and get the latest updates!
Progressive Dinner - Saturday May 30th
Mark your calendars! If you did not attend last year and want to know more see last years info was FABULOUS! We are looking for a couple more host homes in Old Town! If you are interested in hosting please contact Michele Clementi.
February 13 -14 - Early Release
February 17 - Presidents Day
February 18 - ASP session 2 begins
February 19 - Kindergarten Teacher Appreciation Breakfast
February 24 - 6:00pm, Library, Info Planning Session for International Night Families/Countries (open to all those signed up or with interest)
February 26 - Uniform Locker open, before and after school