Interested in joining the PTA Executive Board?
We are preparing the ballot for the 20-21 school year. Please contact Katie Palavecino if you are interested to serve in a position on our executive board!
View our Board Responsibilities for descriptions of board positions.
ORDER NOW (paper and online option) for $20 early bird price! Price increases to $30 on February 14th.
And now accepting LOVELINES through February 14th.
National School Counseling Week 2020
National School Counseling Week 2020 (#NSCW2020) is February 3–7, 2020. The week, sponsored by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA), highlights the unique contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems and the tremendous impact they can have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career.
ACPS will be celebrating the theme of “School Counselors: Unveiling the ‘Amazing’ Within,” inspired by a recent article by 2019 National School Counselor of the Year finalist, Jan Desmarais-Morse: School Counselors: Unveiling the “Amazing” Within--Forbes.
Help us next week in recognizing our school counselor Ms. Bustard for all that she does for our children and school!
Kindergarten Teacher Appreciation Breakfast - Wednesday February 19th
Each month the PTA sponsors a breakfast for our teachers at LCTA. This month, Kindergarten will host the breakfast. Please sign up for what you can bring! Items need to be delivered to the office the afternoon before or before 7:00 am on the morning of the breakfast. Thank you so much!
International Night 2020!
Will you host a country this year? Calling 2019 participating countries-Albania, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Colombia, Ethiopia, Eritrean, Italy, Liberia, New Zealand, Scotland, Sweden, Syria, USA. SIGN-UP
Join the 23 families/countries signed up so far and be a part of this special event at our school!
Our deadline for signing up to host a country, February 24th is fast approaching and we need to have all sign-ups in to help us plan for the night. Are you new to our school and thinking about hosting a country/table. Learn more!
Join the United Nations of Lyles-Crouch! May 5th, 2020
Membership Directory
Membership Directory has been updated!
Do you love science and want to give back to the LCTA community?
The Science Committee is looking for adult community members to present hands-on science activities at Science Night from 6:00-7:30 on March 19, 2020. If your work or hobbies involve science or technology please consider volunteering your time! If you are interested, fill out this form.
Outdoor Learning Center
Share in the dream of a new purpose-built Outdoor Learning Center for LCTA! With our facility bursting at the seams and no room to add on, it's time to make better use of our outdoor space. Never professionally designed or built with the current student enrollment in mind, its layout, surfaces, and equipment are dysfunctional, inadequate, unsafe and seasonally limited. We are looking to extend our learning to the outdoors with a safe, purpose-built, state-of-the-art outdoor learning center and grounds. Join the collaboration of parents, grandparents, staff, faculty, neighbors, and concerned citizens working with ACPS to see LCTA’s outdoor learning environment become a reality. It is time to advocate for our school and our students.
Join our website and Facebook page to support this initiative and get the latest updates!
February 5 - Uniform Locker open, before and after school
February 10, 8:00am - PTA Executive Board meeting
February 11, 8:30am - school tour
February 13-14 - Early Release
February 19 - Kindergarten Teacher Appreciation Breakfast
February 26 - Uniform Locker open, before and after school