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LCTA PTA eROAR, August 23, 2021 - See you tomorrow!

With the first day of school tomorrow, I know the excitement is high as well as anxiety. We should all rest assured in the fact that Lyles-Crouch is a community based school, with immense support from parents and staff. This year might not be perfect, but we will all work together to make it an enriching year for all. Please feel free to reach out to me or anyone on the PTA Board.

-Brooke Lombardi

, 2021-2022 PTA President

Found below is some information pulled directly from the ACPS website. Please check the ACPS FAQs page as it is updated as questions come in and answers become available.

The first day of school is on Tuesday, August 24th. Official school hours for students are from 8:00 a.m. until 2:35 p.m. daily. Doors open at 7:45 a.m. for children to go straight into their classrooms for structured learning activities prior to the start of the official school day. We strongly encourage being here at 7:45 a.m. Children arriving after 8:00 a.m. will be considered tardy and will need to be signed in by an adult in the office. Afternoon dismissal will begin at 2:30 p.m. with the bus riders being dismissed first. Kindergarten students are dismissed on the bus loop side of the building at 2:30 p.m. Walkers/Kiss & Ride students are dismissed at 2:35 p.m. through the front doors. Uniforms are a requirement at Lyles-Crouch and students are expected to be in uniform on the first day of classes (please click HERE for Uniform Guidelines).

What are families required to do before sending a student to school?

Yes. Staff and students must still complete the Daily Symptom Checklist

Will students and staff still check-in at the temperature check kiosk at the entrance of the school?

Yes. There will be daily online health screenings and temperature screenings in school entrances and procedures to limit the number of visitors in school facilities.

Information about Lunchtime

ACPS is committed to ensuring the health and safety of our staff and students throughout the entire school day, including lunchtime, when students will not be able to wear masks while eating. We are committed to implementing health and safety protocols to ensure that all students and staff are safe during the lunch blocks of time. These protocols for Pre-K-12 schools include:

Students will be required to wear masks in the cafeteria when not actively eating and drinking.

Students will need to wear their masks while going to, through, and from the serving line.

Students will put their masks back on when they finish their meal.

Cafeteria spaces will be regularly and thoroughly cleaned with a sanitizing solution.

Students will be assigned tables and/or seats (student podding) in the cafeteria.

Students will be required to sign in at their assigned table for contact tracing purposes.

Students will wash their hands before and after lunch.

Cafeterias will have limited student capacity.

Air purifiers will be operational in all school cafeterias.

At the elementary and middle school levels, students will eat during scheduled grade level and/or class times. Students will eat in the traditional cafeteria. The physical layout of each cafeteria varies from school to school, depending on size and student enrollment. However, every safety precaution will be taken as outlined above to ensure a safe environment while eating.

All meals (breakfast & lunch) are FREE TO ALL STUDENTS this year. Students can access breakfast by entering through cafeteria doors between 7:30-7:45 a.m. There will be grab and go breakfast available for students entering through front entrance doors.


  • Required in ACPS facilities and on buses, regardless of vaccination status

  • No masks required outside for recess

ACPS Information

Sign-Up here to receive ACPS Newsletters

Connect with the LCTA PTA 2021-2022

Connect with us for the 2021-2022 upcoming school year here. Join the PTA!, enter your email to receive eRoar communications, add your info for our 2021-2022 directory. This year dues are not required for PTA membership (donation only), and PTA membership is not required to be included in the PTA Directory.

PTA Popsicle Membership Drive, Tuesday, August 31st, 2:30 - 4:00pm

JOIN US after school for popsicles! Connect with your board members, learn what we do to support our school, and sign-up on the spot.


August 24th - 1st Day of School

August 31st, 2:30 - 4:00pm - PTA Popsicle Membership Drive

August 31st, 7:00-8:30pm - Nuts and Bolts Night (Virtual Event)

September 9th - Picture Day (information coming)

September 9th, 6:30pm - Back to School Night (Virtual Event)

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