Become a PTA member today and receive these messages directly in your inbox! Only $10 per parent/guardian for the entire school year.
Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, May 1 - Friday, May 31: Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
THIS WEEK Monday, May 6 - Friday, May 10: Teacher Appreciation Week
TODAY Wednesday, May 8: National School Nurse Appreciation Day
Friday, May 10: Uniform Locker Open, 7:45 am
Tuesday, May 14: Last PTA General Membership Mtg (Zoom), 7 pm (Vote on next year's PTA Board!)
Thursday, May 16: (Date change!) Core Knowledge Night, 4:30-6 pm (Open House style showcase)
Friday, May 24: Memorial Day Program, 1:15 pm (Military families and families of LCTA 3rd graders)
Friday, May 24: Field Day Lunch Form Due
Friday, May 24: Last Day for PTA End of Year Survey
Monday, May 27: Memorial Day (No School)
Thursday, May 30: Senior Day, 1 pm
Thursday, May 30: LCTA Parent Social at O'Connell's, 7 pm
Tuesday, June 4: (Date change!) Field Day (All students wear PE uniforms)
Friday, June 7: Uniform Locker Open, 7:45 am
Friday, June 7: End of Year Celebration at LCTA Playground, 5 pm - 8 pm
Monday, June 10 - Wednesday, June 12: Two-Hour Early Dismissal for Students (12:35 pm)
Wednesday, June 12: End of Q4/Last Day of School!
Tuesday, June 18: Sprout Supply Kit Order Deadline
Table of Contents
THIS WEEK! Teacher Appreciation Week 5/6-5/10
TODAY National School Nurse Appreciation Day 5/8
Uniform Locker 5/10
LAST PTA General Membership Meeting 5/14 (Vote on next year's PTA Board!)
2024 LCTA PTA End of Year Survey (by 5/24)
LCTA, ACPS + PTAC: Gun Safety Webpages
Support our Changemakers! (Make your donation)
Join the 2024-2025 PTA Exec Board!
LCTA Parent Social at O'Connell's 5/30
Sprout Supply Kit Order by 6/18
5th Grade Corner: Promotion Events + GW Social 5/15
School Board Sample Letter
Garden Update + Volunteers Requested!
Alexandria PTAC Summer Camp Directory School Announcements
Core Knowledge Night 5/16
Memorial Day Program 5/24
Senior Day 5/30
Field Day 6/4
May Cafeteria Lunch Menu
2023-2024 and 2024-2025 ACPS Traditional Academic Calendar
School contact info
Keep reading our entire newsletter here: