Lyles-Crouch Lions! Was last year’s Halloween a bit of a bust? Are you just so excited to wear your Halloween costume this year? Well, you’re in luck! We are combining this year’s LION FEST Fundraiser with an Outdoor Halloween Scavenger Hunt inspired by fairytale creatures and book characters! So put in your calendars: Our annual LCTA Fundraiser event, The LION FEST, on Friday, October 29th during school hours. Whether you are a new parent to our LCTA family or a returning family, or whether you landed at Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy by design or happenstance, surely you have or are beginning to have the sense that LCTA is a special place. There are however a few factors which make our school truly great...AND the number one performing school in the district! They are:
Our leadership; under the guidance of the esteemed Dr. Zissios and Ms. Ricks
Our dedicated faculty and staff
Our Core Knowledge Curriculum
Our Community, “YOU” our families, represented by the PTA
The LCTA PTA try to limit the fundraising “ask” of our families to this one event! Please join us in getting behind this event and supporting our great school and your children. Here is the link for fundraising which we encourage you to share with families and friends! LCTAPTA.ORG/LIONFEST Stay tuned to our website for continuous updates on the event, including PRIZES, schedule, a GAME ZONE for the kids, etc. We greatly appreciate your support of this event!. Thank you! Your LCTA PTA Fundraising Team