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Current and Upcoming LCTA PTA Happenings

An early E-Roar this week. We wanted to remind families about the upcoming conversation with the Superintendent, February 6th, 2019, 6pm, T.C Williams High School Cafeteria. Dr. Zissios would like to have a good representation from our LCTA community to express what matters most to our families!

Also as a reminder, teacher conferences are Thursday and Friday this week which are early release days.

Yearbook-Deadlines Approaching

Order your yearbook until February 14th for early bird pricing of $20.

Order your Loveline by February 14th.

Community Readers Day, February 15th

The literacy committee is having a community readers day on Friday, February 15th all day (8:15 am-2:15pm). Contact your teacher if you are available to read in the classroom on this scheduled day.

International Night

We are deep in planning for this big night at our school, the largest annual event at LCTA. It is so exciting to see so many new families/countries join the event and our “world” at LCTA. Please, if you are planning to host a country sign up NOW!

If you have questions about what may be involved, email Thank you!!

Reminder to families with rising 6th graders

The next GWMS walk through is scheduled Tuesday February 12th at 9:00am. The Elective Fair is also scheduled on February 12th at 6:00pm. Prospective families are invited to come meet with the administrative team, learn about various classes, programs and opportunities, and have student-led tours of the building. RSVP is not necessary.

Animal Benefit, April 9th

Register to attend

Make a donation

Submit a photo for the program

Legislative Affairs

Our next legislative affairs meeting is February 21st at Firehook Bakery at 8:15am. Join this important discussion on our focus with ACPS on; continuing enrollment pressure/growth and need for district planning to address it,  playground renovation and overall facility’s needs.

Military Families Meet-up, February 7th

Join other LCTA military families for meet-up at Meggrolls, 107 N. Fayette Street, February 7th at 6:30pm!

Character Counts

Donate new or used books during the month of February to benefit Community Lodgings. Bins will be in the front lobby.

Remember our Crossing Guard on February 13th – National Crossing Guard Appreciation Day

Book Fair!-Volunteers Needed!

This is an easy opportunity to volunteer! It is a small time commitment. Your help allows us to pull together this event which is beloved by the students (your children) and teachers alike. Help us out! Sign up for a shift.

Teacher Appreciation Breakfast-K Parents-February 20th

We are continuing to host once monthly breakfasts for our teachers and rely on parent volunteers to supply items for the once monthly breakfast. This next upcoming is hosted by Kindergarten parents. Please sign up here for a food item

Thank you in advance for your support!


February 6th – 6:00pm, T.C Williams High School Cafeteria, A conversation with the superintendent.

February 7th and 8th Early Release Teacher Conferences

February 7th - 6:00-7:30pm, Meggrolls, Military Families Meetup

February 11th - 8:00am, PTA Executive Board

February 12th – GWMS Tour and Elective Fair

February 13th - Crossing Guard Appreciation Day

February 15th – Community Readers Day

February 18th - Holiday

February 20th - Teacher Appreciation Breakfast (K parents)

February 20th – ASP Catalogs home, Session 3

February 25th – PTA ASP Session 3 Registration opens

February 26th- March 11th -ASP General Registration Session 3

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