The PTA calendar for 19-20 term
We are beginning to plan the PTA calendar for the year ahead and we would like would like to incorporate your ideas as we plan. We welcome your feedback. Share your thoughts on everything from; community events, fundraising, afterschool programming, character counts and any/all in between. Please email PTA president Jane at All comments and ideas are welcomed.
Last call for lovelines here! March 1st is the firm deadline.
Yearbooks can be ordered here for $30
Book Fair!-March 4-7th!-NEXT WEEK
We still need a few volunteers, especially to help with tear down on Thursday March 8th. Please sign up. It is a small time commitment that makes a big difference to helping us pull off this event.
Remember Pizza Night on Tuesday March 5th-5:30-8:00pm, This is a community event where the PTA will serve pizza ($5 a slice, $20 a pie) in conjunction with the book fair. Proceeds benefit the PTA.
Teacher book “wish lists” will be available at the book fair so you can purchase/donate a book for your homeroom teacher.
Afterschool Program
Click here to register for the third and final Spring Session Afterschool program.
Remember spots are limited and classes are on a first come first serve basis
Animal Benefit, April 9th
Auditions are coming up! Support you child in their talent show (benefiting King Street Cats/Animal Welfare League of Alexandria).Visit to register to attend, make a donation or submit an animal photo/message for the program.
Teacher Breakfast, March 20th (all grades)
Sign-up here to contribute to the teacher breakfast. All grades can participate in this month’s breakfast
Legislative Affairs
Our next legislative affairs meeting is February 28th at Firehook Bakery at 8:15am. Join us!
Safe Streets
The Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) Safe Routes to School (SRTS) team, including School Principals and PTA representatives, have been leading a multiyear effort to promote more students walking and biking to school. The team has developed a draft plan for next year in support of an SRTS non-infrastructure grant application in March, 2019. If awarded, the grant will support walking and biking initiatives at every ACPS school except T.C. Williams High School in the 2019-2020 school year. ACPS’ SRTS Team has gathered information on issues hindering students walking or biking to school and developed proposed strategies for increasing walking and biking rates. The SRTS team seeks your comments and feedback on these issues and proposed strategies. Your responses will help ensure that the plan focuses on the most critical problems, and on the most effective strategies to increase walking and biking rates and to make walking and biking options safer. We shall appreciate your responses to this 3-minute survey by Thursday, 7 March, 2019.
Character Counts
As we prepare for our Animal Benefit in early April, we will focus on supporting our Animal Shelters with a pet supply drive at the end of March. Stay tuned for more information on this effort. Thanks to all who brought new or gently used books to school for Community Lodgings during the month of February.
March 4-7th-Book Fair
March 5th-Pizza Night at Book Fair 5:30-8:00pm
March 7th-7:45-8:30am, Uniform Locker
March 11th-8:00am, Library, PTA Board Meeting
March 15th-Teacher work day, no school
March 18th-6:00pm Library, Planning meeting for families signed up for Int. Night.
March 20th-Teacher Breakfast, all grades