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Current and Upcoming LCTA PTA Happenings

Walk-a-Thon! – This is it!.

We are half way to our goal with one week to go! Submit your donation either online or by returning the form that went home in your child’s backpack. Dr. Zissios has asked for every family to participate and sponsor your child(ren)! See us outside school in the next few days at drop off. It is that easy! Bring your checkbook, cash or credit card. Every child who participates will receive a watch pedometer and get to join our Health/Wellness Vendors on the field. Please sponsor your child and circulate the fundraising link amongst families and friends. Sign up to volunteer. Join us and enjoy this fun day with your school!

Penny Drive! - Thursday October 25th, Friday October 26th at morning drop off. Have you children join in with their support of walk-a-thon and drop off your loose change.


We are so pleased to see the children enjoying the new equipment on our grounds. This was not an easy or inexpensive undertaking. You may have questions…why these pieces, what next and ideas for what you want to see happen with the grounds. Concerns/questions about our grounds has been the #1 concern expressed by new parents about LCTA. Get involved!! The only way that we can see our way to a complete redesign of our grounds is by parental involvement. We need you! This is a multi-year project. If you have younger children in the school and would like to be a part this initiative, please contact Kim:

Member Directory

We’re hard at work on the PTA Member Directory! We are getting a lot of new members with our recent membership drive. We will distribute it by the end of the month.

Character Counts

Look for information about this important program in your Wednesday folders. We are still looking for parent volunteers to lead the following activities; Celebration of Our First Responders in December, Meals on Wheels in January, Used Book Drive in February, and planting flower pots for a nursery/assisted living home in April.  If you are interested in volunteering to lead any of these activities, please be in touch with Molly Groom at

Character Counts Opportunity - November 3rd

Volunteer to honor our arriving Veterans at DCA on the 1st Flight at 9:00 AM. For those interested, meet our LCTA parent volunteer Annette Maldonado at 8:15 AM by the Chick-fil-A in Terminal C before security. For any questions or to confirm your participation please contact Annette Maldonado,

Character Counts - Candy Drive November 1-2

Bring your unwanted Candy to School for collection and donation to the Maddie Miracle free snack cart for families caring for children with cancer or other life threatening diseases in multiple local hospitals.

Veterans Day

Join the school in celebration of Veterans Day with our special assembly in the MPR on November 9th-9:00am.

Coffee and donuts will be provided by the PTA at drop off for our military families on November 9th.


October 24th – 7:00pm, Minnie Howard PTAC hosted School Board Candidate Forum

October 26th – 4:30-6:30pm, Check out the “Trunk or Treat” festival being hosted by our school neighbor, Demaine Funeral Home

October 31st - 8:00am-2:00pm - Walk-a-thon!.... “take a walk on the wild side”!

November 1-2 - Candy Drive, Bring in your unwanted candy for donation

November 6th – Election Day/Teacher work day

November 8th – 8:00am, Firehook Bakery,  Legislative Affairs Meeting

November 9th – 9:00am, MPR LCTA, Veterans Day Assembly (Coffee and Donuts for Military families at drop off)

November 13th - 9:00am GW middle School Tour

November 14th – 8:00am, Library, PTA Executive Board Meeting OPEN to ALL members

November 14th – Teacher Appreciation Breakfast (hosted by 3rd Grade Parents)

November 15th/16th – Teacher Conferences

November 16th – 9:00am, MPR Walk-a-thon prize assembly

November  21/22/23 - Break

November 28th – 6:00-8:00pm, LCTA MPR,  Math Night  (Note: This is the new date!)

Non PTA sponsored events

Trunk Or Treat, October 26th, 4:30-6:30pm, Demaine Funeral Home are doing a trunk or treat event in their parking lot with a bounce house, face painting, popcorn and cotton candy. All free!

If any “Halloween crazy” parents are interested in decorating their cars for the event, Demaine will provide the candy to distribute out of your trunk!

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