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Current and Upcoming LCTA PTA Happenings

It’s no school November!.....Here are our updates of what is happening with the PTA and upcoming.         

Walk-a-Thon! – Thank you!

Thank you to our amazing community for rallying behind us on this fundraising event. We are so grateful for your support and thrilled to report that we have reached ******$51, 700.44************and still counting. Fundraising will remain open through the Prize Assembly on November 16th.

The PTA is very happy with the fundraising outcome but even more so for the success of the great community event enjoyed by parents and children alike. This year we orchestrated a few changes to what was the third annual walk-a-thon event for LCTA. We removed the competitive laps element replacing it with a parade around the perimeter of the school to allow every child in our school to participate at their own pace. We took our fundraising in-house allowing us to keep 100% of funds raised and with it we removed the option to publish individual child fundraising totals changing our merit prizes to celebrate group totals, classes and grades as opposed to individuals. These changes were implemented to align with our ROARS and character counts programs at our school. We also added a community health and wellness activities piece to the field and were pleased to expose children to a wealth of experiences ; Yoga, Pilates, Soccer, Play, Martial Arts and Movement. We were pleased to be joined on the day by Congressman Don Beyer, Mayor Allison Silberberg and School Board Members who took the time to meet our students and parents, learn about our school and participate in the activities. We have heard from many of our members about how they enjoyed the day. Please share your feedback with so we can best serve our community.  We value your opinion! Thank you to our faculty and staff, all our wonderful volunteers, the PTA executive board and the Yearbook crew!

Remember today was the deadline for submitting your request for a class photo from the walk-a-thon. Photos will be distributed after the upcoming Thanksgiving break.


Keep sending them in to your classrooms. Every classroom has a container. It is an easy way for us to raise money for our school!

Membership Directory

Membership Directory is complete and will be in Wednesday folders next week.

Legislative Affairs Meeting - November 8th - Firehook Bakery

Join LCTA parent Marguerite Rippy at our legislative affairs meeting on November 8th at 8:00 am at Firehook Bakery. Marguerite is prepared to debrief parents following election outcomes for school board candidates. Come and meet members of your school community and strategize about where as a group we want to focus our attentions; whether that's furthering the playground initiative, attracting attention and support for specific activities or programs, or advocating for specific infrastructure needs at the school. 

Veterans Day - November 9th - 9:00am, MPR

Join the school in celebration of Veterans Day with our special assembly in the MPR on November 9th-9:00am.

Coffee and donuts will be provided by the PTA at 8:30-9:00am* in the lobby outside the MPR for our military families on November 9th.

Note* this is a change owing to rain predicted.

PTA Executive Board Meeting - November 14th - 8:00am, Library

Open to all members. Come and hear what is happening in your PTA. Express your ideas/concerns and consider a position on the board for the 2019-2020 term.

PTA Teacher Breakfast - November 14th

Each month the PTA sponsors a breakfast for our teachers at LCTA.  This month, the 3rd grade will host the breakfast.  Please sign up for what you can bring! Items need to be delivered to the office the afternoon before or before 7:00 a.m. on the morning of the breakfast. Thank you so much!

Character Counts

Thanks to our lead parent volunteer Annette Maldonado and to all the LCTA families who came out to honor our arriving Veterans at DCA for the Honor Flight this past weekend. The mission of the program is to provide veterans with honor and closure by welcoming them as they arrive at DCA to tour the memorials in D.C. Priority is to those from WWI, WWII, Vietnam and Korea. For many of them, this is the first time to receive a well- deserved welcome and a thank you for their service. We at Lyles-Crouch are proud to be a part of this program.

Thank you to Parent Volunteer Susan Oswald for spearheading the Halloween Candy Collection. We enjoyed a great response which required lots of sorting!

International Night - Mark it on your calendar now - May 14th, 2019.

This is the biggest night on our school calendar. Last year saw 44 countries represented by our very own LCTA families. It is a wonderful adventure for our children and families to “travel the world” at Lyles-Crouch learning about the many different cultures and customs represented by our rich and diverse community. It is an evening of color, food, music and dance from around the globe!

…..and it takes a team to pull together this night!

This is a fun event to volunteer your time towards. Aside from families needed to represent their countries (sign-up coming soon), we are looking for parent volunteers to comprise the planning team. Planning begins in December with a total estimated time commitment of 20-25 hours over the course of 5 months. Please contact Jane at


November 8th – 8:00am, Firehook Bakery,  Legislative Affairs Meeting

November 9th – 9:00am, MPR LCTA, Veterans Day Assembly (Coffee and Donuts for Military families at drop off)

November 12th – NO SCHOOL Veterans Day

November 13th - 9:00am GW middle School Tour

November 14th – 8:00am, Library, PTA Executive Board Meeting OPEN to ALL members

November 14th – Teacher Appreciation Breakfast (hosted by 3rd Grade Parents)

November 15th/16th – Teacher Conferences Early Release

November 16th – 9:00am, MPR Walk-a-thon prize assembly

November 20th  - 2:30-3:15pm Uniform Locker

November  21/22/23 – Break

November 26th- Gift Giving Tree Launch-(select/shop for a family in need)

November 28th – 6:00-8:00pm, LCTA MPR,  Math Night  (Note: This is the new date!)

December 3rd - Picture Make-up Day

December 3rd – Afterschool Priority Registration for Session #2 opens for PTA members

December 4th - Afterschool Registration for Session #2 opens for all others

December 4th – 6:30pm, LCTA MPR, GWMS presentation by Principal Mazur for families and rising 6th graders at LCTA

December 6th - 7:45-8:15am Uniform Locker

December 6th - 10am-1pm, Cafeteria/MPR-Holiday Luncheon (families invited to join grades for specially prepared Holiday Luncheon)

December 7th – 6:00pm, MPR, Family Movie Night

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