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Current and Upcoming LCTA PTA Happenings

Thank you to all our families for coming out for Family Movie Night this Friday past. It was a great community event hosted by the PTA and we were delighted to have so many of our families come out and enjoy the evening of Movie and free Pizza! Thank you to our parent volunteers and PTA Community Spirit co-chairs Katie Attiken/Tricia Holley.

Interested in joining the PTA Executive Board?

We are preparing the ballot for the 19-20 school year. Please contact Jane at if you are interested to serve in a role on our executive board. For descriptions of positions and an overview of our current board click here.


Start planning your yearbook Lovelines now!  Loveline submission will run January 9th through February 14th. More info to come on how to submit.  (Lovelines are a dedicated photo and note in the Yearbook)

We will start taking Yearbook orders on January   16th.  The deadline for the “early bird” price of $20 will be February 14. After February 14, the price will increase to $30.  

Earth Day Contest-Deadline for submission December 19th

ACPS students are invited to participate in the annual Earth Day Artwork Contest. The winning selection will be used to help publicize the City of Alexandria’s Earth Day celebration on Saturday, April 27, 2019.Students are invited to submit original, two-dimensional wordless artwork based on their interpretation of the theme “Climate Change – Take Action.” The selected artwork will be printed on all Earth Day t-shirts, posters, fliers, and will be featured on the City of Alexandria Earth Day website. The artist will be recognized in the Earth Day program and will be invited to the Earth Day Proclamation reading at a City Council Meeting. A collection of submitted artwork will be on display at the Earth Day celebration and in City Hall the week prior to the celebration. The winning artwork will be selected based on creativity, content, composition and relationship to the theme, "Climate Change – Take Action” The deadline to submit artwork is 3 p.m. on Wednesday, December 19 and it should be submitted to the art teacher at your school. Questions? Contact the Earth Day Committee Chair, Eldon Boes:

Legislative Affairs

LCTA Legislative Affairs next meeting: January 10th, Firehook, 8:15am

Topics to include updates on TAG and Special Education initiatives in ACPS, as well as the superintendent’s 2019-20 budget request.

Alexandria School Board induction and reception: January 7th, T.C. Williams auditorium, 7pm (public invited)

All Alexandria Reads Committee selects a book each year for the whole community to read. This year the AAR committee selected It's All Relative, by A.J. Jacobs. Click on this link for a preview of the book: The committee needs help to identify companion titles for younger readers. They typically select a picture book suitable for PreK-2; a chapter book suitable for Gr. 3-5, and a YA book suitable for secondary students. As has often been the case, this year's title is also appropriate for high school students. The themes of the book center around family connections, nontraditional families, genealogy, and culture. Please send ideas to They are also looking for volunteers to serve on the ACPS AAR Committee. Volunteers would be responsible for helping to develop focus lessons/programming and ways to promote the AAR Program across the school division. The first meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 8, from 3:30-4:30 at Textbook Services (604 S. Pickett St). Please let Anne Booth at know if you are interested in helping out with this. 

After School Program

Classes end this week for Session one, except for Spanish and Math Mania which has one last class next week, Tuesday the 18th.

NOTE: the theater class will have a production of a Christmas Carol on Thursday December 13th at the Little Theater Academy at 3:15pm. All are welcome to attend this free production. It will be a production by the combined K-5 After school theater classes.

 Session 2 beings on January 14th and ends on March 7th. Registration will close on December 17th. Preview the schedule here

Boxtops! AND Passive Fundraising

Keep sending in your boxtops to your classrooms. Every classroom has a container. It is an easy way for us to raise money for our school!

Don’t forget LCTA as you work on your holiday shopping! Shop through, select LylesCrouch as your charity for LCTA PTA to receive a percentage on qualifying purchases. LCTA gets 15% when you shop at for healthy living and environmentally friendly products. LCTA earns extra cash when you order through 

For more information on our Passive Fundraising opportunities, click here

Character Counts-Volunteers Needed.

This month Character Counts is focusing on gratitude and showing our support to Alexandria’s first responders— the police and the firefighters. Students and families can bring in baked goods on December 20th. That day students can also participate in delivering those baked goods to the police and firefighters.   If you are interested in delivering, please be in touch with Molly at  But even if you can’t join in the delivery, we hope you will consider bringing in baked goods to the office in December 20th. 

Please consider Nurse Wood and her family this holiday season. Currently we are offering the family support through 

A GO FUND ME-in hopes of providing a memorable vacation for the family. 

Teacher Breakfast-December 19th hosted by 2nd grade parents. 

Each month the PTA sponsors a breakfast for our teachers at LCTA.  This month, the 2nd grade will host the breakfast.  Please sign up for what you can bring!  Items need to be delivered to the office the afternoon before or before 7:00 a.m. on the morning of the breakfast.  Thank you so much!

Science Week

Science Night has moved from January 23rd to a Week Long Event planned for March 11th.

Watch this space for some exciting updates on what is to come that week.

International Night - Mark it on your calendar now - May 14th, 2019

Sign up now to showcase a country/culture on the night.

Interested in being part of the planning team, join our planning meeting on December 18th at 8:00am in school office. Contact Jane at


December 13th – 3:15pm, Production of “A Christmas Carol” by LCTA ASP theater classes. All are welcome to attend this free event at the LTA.

December 17th – Registration closes for ASP, Session 2

December 19th – Teacher appreciation B’fast (facilitated by 2nd grade parent donations)

December 19th – Earth Day Contest Submission Deadline

December 21st – Uniform Locker, Special Hours 2:00-2:30pm

December 21st – 1:00pm, MPR, Holiday Concert parents invited.

December 21st – Holiday begins

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