Thank you to our amazing community for supporting this fundraising event. We are so grateful for your support and thrilled to report that we have reached ******$46,040****** and still counting.
Fundraising will remain open through the Prize Assembly on November 15th.
The kids had a wonderful time participating in activities by: Scramble, Alexandria Soccer Association, Safe Routes to School, Potomac Kempo, Baroody, and Jess Purtell Yoga. We were pleased to be joined on the day by Mayor Justin Wilson and School Board member Michelle Rief who took the time to meet our students and parents, learn about our school and participate in the activities. We have heard from many of our members about how they enjoyed the day. THANK YOU to our faculty and staff, all our wonderful volunteers, the PTA executive board and the Yearbook crew!
To see donations made in benefit of your child please email:
Accepting orders for class photos through November 22. $5 for a 5x7. ORDER FORM
Veterans Day Celebration - Monday November 11th, 9:00am, MPR
Join the school in celebration of Veterans Day with our special assembly in the MPR.
Coffee and donuts will be provided by the PTA from 8:30-9:00am for our military families.
3rd Grade Teacher Appreciation Breakfast - Wednesday November 13th
Each month the PTA sponsors a breakfast for our teachers at LCTA. This month, the 3rd grade will host the breakfast. Please sign up for what you can bring! Items need to be delivered to the office the afternoon before or before 7:00 am on the morning of the breakfast. Thank you so much!
21. Possession of Beepers, Cellular Telephones, Other Electronic Devices, or Similar Communications Devices
Students may possess beepers, cellular telephones, or other communications devices on school property, including school buses, provided that the devices remain off and out of sight during the instructional day unless such use occurs under the direction of an instructor. If a student possesses such a device other than as permitted in this policy, in addition to other disciplinary sanctions which may be imposed, the device may be confiscated from the student and returned only to the student’s parent/guardian.
ATTENTION! ATTENTION!! The Box Top program is changing.
Now there are 2 ways to participate. See for all the details.
OPTION 1:Download the ALL NEW Box Tops app (find it on the Apple App Store or Google Play). Shop as you normally would, scan your store receipts and the app will automatically credit LCTA! Super easy!
OPTION 2:You can still clip and send Box Tops in! The physical Box Top clips will be phased out, but we can still send them in as long as they are not expired.
LCTA receives checks twice a year! Last year we earned almost $500. How much more can we earn this year using the new option?
November 6 - Uniform Locker open, before and after school
November 11, 9:00am - Veteran's Day Celebration
November 12, 8:30am - school tour
November 13 - 3rd Grade Teacher Appreciation Breakfast
November 13-15 - Early Release Conferences
November 15, 9:00am - Lion Fest Prize Assembly