July PTA General Membership Meeting - Wednesday July 15th @7PM
Please join the PTA for our July General Membership Meeting TONIGHT at 7:00 PM with special guest speaker, Faiza Jackson, ACPS Mental Health Specialist.
Ms. Jackson will speak to us about social emotional academic learning across the district, as well as introduce a program that is coming to Lyles-Crouch.
We look forward to connecting with you and discussing this important topic!
To join, please use the below link or meeting id and password in the Zoom app. For security, all participants must use the name "Parent of ...".
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 895 7885 3871
Password: 144434
Connect with the LCTA PTA 2020-2021
Connect with us for the 2020-2021 upcoming school year here. Complete the sections that interest you: Join the PTA!; enter your email to receive eRoar communications; add your info for our 2020-2021 directory; and/or opt in to participate in a telephone survey (How can the LCTA PTA represent me?). This year dues are not required for PTA membership (donation only), and PTA membership is not required to be included in the PTA Directory.
360 Inclusion Committee
The PTA is working on a 360 Inclusion Committee to help ensure unity, cultural competency, and equity in our school community. Our 2020-21 board has made this a priority in our efforts and we would appreciate your help by completing a Feedback Survey to make sure the interests of all our families of diverse cultures, backgrounds, orientations, and needs are well represented in the PTA agenda.
Community Connect Program
This program is off and running! Over 30 community members have been matched and are finding support in one another:
"Joining the LCTA Community Connect was a gamechanger for me. After years of being on the peripheral of the school and not knowing many parents because of my work schedule, I decided to sign on to Parent Connect without expectations. I was paired with a perfect group of moms. One was already a friend and the other a new one. Together, our trio discussed how we wanted to foster a more inclusive and diverse atmosphere for parents. It's been a wonderful experience. I highly encourage any parents who want to get know new people to sign up. Most importantly, you can't have too many advocates helping and cheering you on during your child's school years. Two thumbs way up for this program. I'm so excited for Fall 2020!"
- Community Connect Participant
Enrollment: https://www.lctapta.org/communityconnect
Are you new to our community, or now find yourself with more time and want to grow your connections with other families in LCTA? Could you use a resource who has experience at the school or in the community to help answer your questions, bounce ideas about and help you navigate this remote learning and new normal we are all struggling to embrace. This program is designed to connect LCTA community members to one another to provide support and foster relationships. This program is an opportunity to encourage one another as we balance work, distance-learning, childcare, and self-care while keeping worries — both our children’s and our own — under control. This is a program guided by the PTA under the direction of Dr. Zissios and is an opportunity to form new friendships and strengthen the bonds in our community.
Yearbook (order by August 9th)
ORDER NOW for $30.
(Staff members, please email me, in order to reserve your yearbook, there is no online payment option for the $20 price)
With several of our beloved events not happening this school year we would love to add a learning at home section to our yearbook! Please email photos of your students learning at home and any special projects/creative activities to: lctayrbk@gmail.com
(please remember to send photos in the highest resolution possible for optimal printing)
View previous eROARs: LCTA PTA Latest News
July 15, 7pm - July General Membership Meeting
August 12, 7pm - August General Membership Meeting