August PTA General Membership Meeting - Wednesday August 12 @7PM
Amharic translation services provided
Please join us to hear from our special guest speaker Danielle Epps, a parent in our community, who will speak on the topic that in order to do anti-racism work, we need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Ms. Epps is an educator and communicator, fueled by a passion for activism and a natural talent for developing human connections. Danielle has over fifteen years of experience as a national media personality, has hosted a variety of radio programming, is a skilled on-camera interviewer and host, and is the author of a best-selling collection of autobiographical essays titled, “Empathy and Eyebrows.”
Danielle brought these experiences and skills with her into the classroom as she embarked on a new vocation as an educator. Currently in her Master’s program at Johns Hopkins University, she seeks to be a voice for social justice, an active anti-racist, and an advocate for our children, especially those who are forced to view the world through the lens of childhood trauma.
Please mark your calendars for this important discussion!
To join, please use the below link or meeting id and password in the Zoom app. For security, all participants must use the name "Parent of ...".
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 812 2836 7500
Password: 144434
360 Inclusion Committee
Picture this: your family smiling, learning about and celebrating the cultures, traditions and uniqueness of EVERY family at a Lyles-Crouch PTA event.
Imagine your children running into the house overflowing with excitement to share the fun they had learning about their friends’ unique life experiences at a new and exciting monthly inclusion event.
This is the purpose of the 360 Inclusion Committee, which was created to help ensure unity, cultural competency, and equity in our school community. The mission of the 360 Committee is to promote inclusion and equality, combat bias, and celebrate diversity within the LCTA community. Our goal is for our diverse network of families to feel welcomed, represented and respected.
Our 2020-21 board has made these efforts a priority in our agenda and we are proud to have board members April Bryant and Alexis Doxey lead this effort along with Ms. Powell as our teacher liaison.
Participating in the 360
Committee is easy and will not commit you to an ongoing string of events! Simply email and request to be added to the group. You will then receive monthly committee meeting information.
Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00PM.
Our Heritage & Inclusion PTA Event Calendar is listed below. We need parents with insights, personal experiences and ideas to virtually attend committee meetings so that this inclusion goal becomes a reality!
2020 Successes for Inclusion & Diversity initiatives include:
Translators for PTA meetings (Amharic interpreters currently; please contact for additional languages)
2020-21 Diversity, Inclusion and Disability Awareness Calendar for LCTA PTA
No cost to join the PTA
Student directory available to all at no cost; PTA membership not required (Parents opt into sharing preferred level of information)
Community Connect (select this link if you’d like to be connected with other Lyles- Crouch families)
Community Connect Program This program is off and running! Over 30 community members have been matched and are finding support in one another: "Joining the LCTA Community Connect was a gamechanger for me. After years of being on the peripheral of the school and not knowing many parents because of my work schedule, I decided to sign on to Parent Connect without expectations. I was paired with a perfect group of moms. One was already a friend and the other a new one. Together, our trio discussed how we wanted to foster a more inclusive and diverse atmosphere for parents. It's been a wonderful experience. I highly encourage any parents who want to get know new people to sign up. Most importantly, you can't have too many advocates helping and cheering you on during your child's school years. Two thumbs way up for this program. I'm so excited for Fall 2020!" - Community Connect Participant Enrollment: Are you new to our community, or now find yourself with more time and want to grow your connections with other families in LCTA? Could you use a resource who has experience at the school or in the community to help answer your questions, bounce ideas about and help you navigate this remote learning and new normal we are all struggling to embrace. This program is designed to connect LCTA community members to one another to provide support and foster relationships. This program is an opportunity to encourage one another as we balance work, distance-learning, childcare, and self-care while keeping worries — both our children’s and our own — under control. This is a program guided by the PTA under the direction of Dr. Zissios and is an opportunity to form new friendships and strengthen the bonds in our community. Connect with the LCTA PTA 2020-2021 Connect with us for the 2020-2021 upcoming school year here. Complete the sections that interest you: Join the PTA!; enter your email to receive eRoar communications; add your info for our 2020-2021 directory; and/or opt in to participate in a telephone survey (How can the LCTA PTA represent me?). This year dues are not required for PTA membership (donation only), and PTA membership is not required to be included in the PTA Directory.