Week two of virtual learning is under our belt! One day at a time.
We are pleased that the Nuts and Bolts last week (Wednesday, September 16) had a good turnout and a lot of helpful information was presented about the programs at LCTA. The PTA 2020-21 budget was also presented and adopted and can be found HERE. The meeting minutes and slide presentations can be found HERE on the PTA website.
If possible, I encourage you to take a moment and express acknowledgement for all the extra hours and effort our teachers and staff are pouring into learning and executing our new virtual platform. An email to Dr. Zissios or Ms. Ricks about the ways your student's teacher is making things work, an email to Dr. Hutchings about dedicated ACPS staff, or an email directly to your teacher with just a simple thank you would mean a lot at this time. Things are not perfect - but that only makes the kindness especially meaningful!
VirtualPLUS+ Feedback
If you are interested in sharing your VirtualPlus+ learning experiences so far or sharing your thoughts about potential in-person learning, please contact our VP of Legislative and Strategic Affairs, Janice Kupiec at legislative@lctapta.org
Janice will share your feedback with the ACPS Board of Education members. Parents are also free to contact the Board of Education and Dr. Hutchings directly: board@acps.k12.va.us or use this link to access the online form.
Zoom Issues on Chromebooks If your student is having audio/visual issues on their Chromebook during Zoom, please email the Helpdesk with the information below. The Helpdesk does feel that they have pinpointed an element that might be causing the issue and they are currently working on a solution.
Email the Helpdesk at: helpdesk@acps.k12.va.us
Student Name: Teacher name: School: Grade: (Very important) Brief description of the problem: Make: Model: (This can be found by turning over the Chromebook and looking at the identification information)
Back to School Night: TOMORROW
Tuesday, September 22, 6:30 - 8pm
There will be three separate 25-minute sessions offered by classroom teachers as well as the ENCORE team. You can choose to attend session one (6:30-6:55), session two (7-7:25) or session three (7:30-7:55). The EL, Special Education, and resource teachers will be joining the sessions of the homeroom teachers they support. Your child(ren)'s teacher(s) will send you the individual zoom link for his/her sessions. This is your opportunity to hear about class expectations, assessment/grading, curriculum, and other class-specific information.
A Message from the 360 Inclusion Committee: Hispanic Heritage Awareness Month
September is Hispanic Heritage Awareness Month, which officially began September 15. The 15th was selected because it marks the independence days of five Latin American countries - Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Did you know that Sonia Sotomayor, who was confirmed in 2009, is the first Hispanic person to serve as a Justice of the United States Supreme Court?
The 360 Inclusion Committee is focusing on actionable items and discussion topics that offer a perspective of the diverse voices of LCTA. Please note these engaging new initiatives that focus on issues surrounding equity, inclusion and social justice from a multicultural lens:
Let's Chat Together!
"Coffee Conversations"
We are starting a monthly “Coffee Conversations" which is designed to be a discussion from a multicultural perspective that will increase awareness and inclusivity. The inaugural "Coffee Conversation" event will be on September 29 at 7pm via Zoom and Matias Palavecino will lead the conversation on Hispanic heritage! Please join us!
Let's Read Together!
"Heritage Month Book List"
What better way is there to celebrate with children the diverse cultures and families that are a part of the LCTA school community than with books? Every month we will post a reading list that accompanies the Heritage theme for the month. This informative and inspiring book list created by our own 360 Committee Teacher Representative, Ms. Powell, recognizes the wide range of voices and stories within Hispanic and Latinx culture. Also included are Ms. Knoll's reading suggestions! Most are accessible via YouTube and therefore do not require purchasing.
To join the 360 Committee, or if you have questions and comments about 360, please reach out to April Bryant and Alexis Doxey at 360inclusioncommittee@lctapta.org
October General Membership Meeting
Wednesday, October 14 at 7pm
We will have a Mental Health expert to address helpful tips for working with our children through the stresses of virtual learning.
Connect with the LCTA PTA 2020-2021
Connect with us for the 2020-2021 upcoming school year here. Complete the sections that interest you: Join the PTA!; enter your email to receive eRoar communications; add your info for our 2020-2021 directory; and/or opt in to participate in a telephone survey (How can the LCTA PTA represent me?). This year dues are not required for PTA membership (donation only), and PTA membership is not required to be included in the PTA Directory.